if got, want: A Simple Way to Write Better Go Tests
Write your own tiny programming system(s)!
exple.tive.org/blarg/2024/12/29/idiosyncraInteresting setup for pet computers. Debian + sway + cage
Visitor Pattern Considered Pointless - Use Pattern Switches Instead
nipafx.dev/java-visitor-pattern-pointlessIn modern Java, the visitor pattern is no longer needed. Using sealed types and switches with pattern matching achieves the same goals with less code and less complexity.
GBA From Scratch With Ferris
lokathor.github.io/gba-from-scratchBuilding GBA Games in Rust
shanesnover.com/2024/02/07/intro-to-rust-on-gba.htmlAdvent of Code on the Nintendo DS
sailor.li/aocnds.htmlSolving AoC on the DS with Rust.
Using Nix to Try Tools
New stuff in Emacs 30
www.mgmarlow.com/words/2024-07-28-emacs-30-newsReading through the Emacs 30 NEWS file and picking
out the stuff I think is the most interesting.
On "Safe" C++
Proposal for a Django project template
david.guillot.me/en/posts/tech/proposal-for-a-django-project-templateMy take on what could be a project template for Django advanced usage, with modern tooling (for Python and UI dependencies, as well as configuration/environment management), but not too opinionated.
Writing secure Go code
jarosz.dev/article/writing-secure-go-codeSecurity testing starts with understanding vulnerabilities. The CVE website lists known software flaws. The OWASP Top Ten highlights common weaknesses. With this knowledge, we can improve our Go development. This article shows how to put in place robust practices. They are to: fuzz inputs, verify dependencies, and use static analysis tools (SAST).
Rust Prism
init.py files are optional. Here’s why you should still use them
Damas-Hindley-Milner inference two ways
'Do' More With 'Run'
maxgreenwald.me/blog/do-more-with-runI recently wrote about Async Pool, one of my favorite JavaScript / TypeScript helpers, and today I want to share an even simpler yet extremely useful utility
Gnome Files: A detailed UI examination | datagubbe.se
Snappy UI Optimization with useDeferredValue
www.joshwcomeau.com/react/use-deferred-valueuseDeferredValue is one of the most underrated React hooks. It allows us to dramatically improve the performance of our applications in certain contexts. I recently used it to solve a gnarly performance problem on this blog, and in this tutorial, I'll show you how! ⚡
On Leaving Apple
in which interactive development saves the day
Blogging in Djot instead of Markdown
Typescript is surprisingly ok for compilers
Master hexagonal architecture in Rust
www.howtocodeit.com/articles/master-hexagonal-architecture-rustEverything you need to write flexible, future-proof Rust applications using hexagonal architecture.
Wayland: i3 to Sway migration
anarc.at/software/desktop/waylandTechnical Writing One introduction
Writing an OS in Rust
os.phil-opp.comThis blog series creates a small operating system in the Rust programming language. Each post is a small tutorial and includes all needed code.
run freebsd in qemu on linux
Parsing awk is tricky
www.raygard.net/awkdoc/pages/awk_parsing_is_tricky.htmlA somewhat compact implementation of the awk programming language
There can't be only one
www.b-list.org/weblog/2024/aug/27/highlander-problemThere's a concept that I've heard called by a lot of different names, but my favorite name for it is …
permacomputing.netPermacomputing is both a concept and a community of practice oriented around issues of resilience and regenerativity in computer and network technology inspired by permaculture.
Writing a C Compiler
nostarch.com/writing-c-compilerA fun, hands-on guide to writing your own compiler for a real-world programming language.
Planning Weekly Workouts in 100 lines of Haskell
alt-romes.github.io/posts/2024-08-14-planning-a-workout-week-with-100-lines-of-haskell.htmlA lightning post on logic programming in Haskell to construct a workout weekly schedule given the set of exercises, days and constraints.
A Flexible Minimalist Neovim for 2024
Store Code Discussions in Git using Git Notes
wouterj.nl/2024/08/git-notesCode discussions contain relevant information. Isn’t it a shame that we
keep these in the centralized GitHub/GitLab servers, far away from our
decentralized Git code? As soon as we move provider, we’ll lose all old
discussions! And how do you ever find the pull requests back from 5
years ago? Symfony has implemented a lightweight solution to this problem
years ago using a less-known feature of Git: Git Notes.
More than 200 orphaned Debian packages moved to git, 216 to go
"GitHub" Is Starting to Feel Like Legacy Software
mistys-internet.website/blog/blog/2024/07/12/github-is-starting-to-feel-like-legacy-softwareI’ve used a lot of tools over the years, which means I’ve seen a lot of tools hit a plateau. That’s not always a problem; sometimes …
Using use in Gleam
JavaScript-Free Sidenotes in Hugo
Announcing wcurl: a curl wrapper to download files
A write-ahead log is not a universal part of durability
notes.eatonphil.com/2024-07-01-a-write-ahead-log-is-not-a-universal-part-of-durability.htmlA write-ahead log is not a universal part of durability
Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
www.plainweb.devplainweb is a framework using HTMX, SQLite and TypeScript for less complexity and more joy.
A (more) Modern CSS Reset
piccalil.li/blog/a-more-modern-css-resetYou probably wrote half a monad by accident
gieseanw.wordpress.com/2024/06/25/you-probably-wrote-half-a-monad-by-accidentA reckless introduction to Hindley-Milner type inference
Counting Immutable Beans: Reference Counting Optimized for Purely Functional Programming
arxiv.org/abs/1908.05647Most functional languages rely on some garbage collection for automatic memory management. They usually eschew reference counting in favor of a tracing garbage collector, which has less bookkeeping overhead at runtime. On the other hand, having an exact reference count of each value can enable optimizations, such as destructive updates. We explore these optimization opportunities in the context of an eager, purely functional programming language. We propose a new mechanism for efficiently reclaiming memory used by nonshared values, reducing stress on the global memory allocator. We describe an approach for minimizing the number of reference counts updates using borrowed references and a heuristic for automatically inferring borrow annotations. We implemented all these techniques in a new compiler for an eager and purely functional programming language with support for multi-threading. Our preliminary experimental results demonstrate our approach is competitive and often outperforms state-of-the-art compilers.
Deriving Dependently-Typed OOP from First Principles -- Extended Version with Additional Appendices
arxiv.org/abs/2403.06707The expression problem describes how most types can easily be extended with new ways to produce the type or new ways to consume the type, but not both. When abstract syntax trees are defined as an algebraic data type, for example, they can easily be extended with new consumers, such as print or eval, but adding a new constructor requires the modification of all existing pattern matches. The expression problem is one way to elucidate the difference between functional or data-oriented programs (easily extendable by new consumers) and object-oriented programs (easily extendable by new producers). This difference between programs which are extensible by new producers or new consumers also exists for dependently typed programming, but with one core difference: Dependently-typed programming almost exclusively follows the functional programming model and not the object-oriented model, which leaves an interesting space in the programming language landscape unexplored. In this paper, we explore the field of dependently-typed object-oriented programming by deriving it from first principles using the principle of duality. That is, we do not extend an existing object-oriented formalism with dependent types in an ad-hoc fashion, but instead start from a familiar data-oriented language and derive its dual fragment by the systematic use of defunctionalization and refunctionalization. Our central contribution is a dependently typed calculus which contains two dual language fragments. We provide type- and semantics-preserving transformations between these two language fragments: defunctionalization and refunctionalization. We have implemented this language and these transformations and use this implementation to explain the various ways in which constructions in dependently typed programming can be explained as special instances of the phenomenon of duality.
Microfeatures I Love in Blogs and Personal Websites
danilafe.com/blog/blog_microfeaturesIn this post, I talk about pleasant but seemingly minor features in personal sites
On testing Go code using the standard library | Henrique Vicente
henvic.dev/posts/testing-goMost programming language ecosystems provide assert functions in their testing libraries but not Go's. Go's standard testing package follows a more direct and to-the-point approach.
build2 | C/C++ Build Toolchain
build2.orgbuild2 is an open source (MIT), cross-platform build toolchain that aims to approximate Rust Cargo's convenience for developing and packaging C/C++ projects while providing more depth and flexibility, especially in the build system.
Go's 'range over function' iterators and avoiding iteration errors
utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/programming/GoIteratorsAndAvoidingMistakesWhy does SQLite (in production) have such a bad rep?
Avoiding complexity with systemd
mgdm.net/weblog/systemdUsing systemd to avoid having to write some risky code
Aurora - Python Static Site Generator
aurora.jamesg.blogAurora: An extensible, Python-based static site generator.
pimalaya.orgOfficial website of the Pimalaya project.
Comparing Objective Caml and Standard ML
adam.chlipala.net/mlcompUnderstanding SPF, DKIM, and DMARC: A Simple Guide
github.com/nicanorflavier/spf-dkim-dmarc-simplifiedUnderstanding a Python closure oddity
utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/python/UnderstandingClosureOddityLinux 6.10 Honors One Last ReiserFS Request Made By Hans Reiser - Phoronix
Sqlc: 2024 check in — brandur.org
brandur.org/fragments/sqlc-2024How I learned Haskell in just 15 years - duckrabbit solutions
duckrabbit.tech/articles/learning-haskell.htmlOpenBSD, the computer appliance maker's secret weapon
hiandrewquinn.github.io/til-site/posts/openbsd-the-computer-appliance-maker-s-secret-weaponBetween our ESP32 prokaryotic organisms and our 24/7 Internet-enabled megafauna servers, there exists a vast and loosely-defined ecosystem of things the B2B world likes to call computer appliances. Picture a bespoke Pi 4 packaged up neatly with some Python scripts, a little fancy plastic embossing, and maybe a well-guarded id_ed25519.pub in case you end up in hot water during the (long - very long, stable cash flow for generations long) maintenance contract, and you’re in the ballpark.